Welcome to my blog website, my name is Nancy.

I enjoy writing therefore in my spare time I blog. In some instances I learn about a food item when I do research on the food item I write about. For example, when I was writing about lemons, I learned that lemons are high in Vitamin C which was a surprise to me. I was Born & Raised in San Antonio, Texas. I invite you to visit my hometown of San Antonio, Texas a beautiful city. The trolly tours that offer off and on benefits is a great way to go sight seeing. San Antonio, Texas has a Seaworld, Fiesta Six Flags, awesome Riverwalk, Historic Missions where Indians and Mexicans once lived (as a kid my mom took us to Mission San Jose Catholic Church, that is one of the Missions on the Missions Tour). San Antonio, Texas also has a 750 foot tall Hemisphere Tower also called the Tower of the Americas with a restaurant on top. Plus if you like to go shopping we have plenty of outdoor malls, the Quarry and the elegant Shops of La Cantera oh and don’t forget to stop by The Rim shops and the Eateries at the Rim. I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas what can I say, “it’s a beautiful awesome fun city”. Visit just don’t move to San Antonio, Texas because then you will raise the Cost Of Living (rents, etc).
Born & Raised In = San Antonio, Texas
Shoe Size = 10.5 or 11
Height = 5’ 3”
My Illegal Drug History (using or selling) = None
My Illegal Prescription Drug History (using or selling) = None
My psychiatric meds history = None
My Psychiatric Hospital History = None
My Tattoos = None
My Abortions History = None
Marital Status = Happily Divorced
Religion = Catholic Christian. It is all about science but religion in a society is important. I grew up in the Catholic religion where made my First Holy Communion etc. Then as an adult converted to Christian religion. The same Jesus Christ foundation however the difference is Saints prays to and going to Confession. I attend San Antonio Cornerstone Church with Pastor Hagee and his son Pastor Hagee of Hagee Ministries. I started attending church at San Antonio Cornerstone many years ago when my mom suggested the church. My mom said that I might like going to church their and I did and still do. I do not go to church every Sunday yet that is my church and where my church tides (money) has always gone and still goes.
Cooking = I enjoy cooking occasionally. I enjoy creating delicious beautiful meals occasionally. Some of my food creation thoughts and meals. 🥄 Steak with Nopales Sauce. The side dish is oven cooked mashed potatoes. The potatoes are cooked in the oven to enhance the flavor and richness of the potato. Then I make regular mashed potatoes by adding butter, milk and salt. 🥄 Chicken Breast stuffed with toasted chicarones pork skins and peaches with a bacon sauce. The chicken breast is cooked with the peaches inside. I tie string around the chicken breast after I put the peaches inside. The chicarones, the pork skins are cooked separately in a pan with a bit of oil to get that brownish crispness. After the chicken is cooked about 3/4 three fourths of the way, I take the chicken breast out the oven and put the cooked crispy chicarones, pork skins inside the chicken breast and close the chicken breast by tying cooking string around the chicken breast to hold the peaches and chicarones inside. I leave uncovered the chicken breast to finish cooking about 20 minutes. For the bacon sauce, the bacon is cooked separately, then the bacon is cooked off, then I crumble the bacon and put the bacon in the blender. I add peach juice from squashed peaches and a bit of regular liquid peach juice from fruit drink. I press liquify on the blender and pour that over the cooked chicken breast on the dinner plate. The side dish is cilantro lime rice. 🥄 Toast. To add a little bit of “awww” to breakfast I make Toast using cookie cutters in the shape of Texas or cookie cutters in the shape of hearts. 🥄 Brisket served with whole grilled nopales. I cook the brisket in HEB cactus drink beverage along with salt and pepper. I cover the brisket to allow the juices and cactus drink to combine and mix. Separately, on a stove top grill pan, I grill the big whole nopales that are usually found in the fresh vegetables section of the grocery stores. Once the nopales are grilled and have the grill marks on the whole nopal then I place about 2 on a plate and I put sliced brisket with juice on top of the whole grilled nopales. 🥄 Chicken Fried Steak with tequila or whisky gravy. The side dish is Grilled Brussels Sprouts.
Family, Box Of Bananas = A Family is like a Box Of Bananas. Who knows WHAT type of bananas are inside the box, you did not choose the box of bananas it was given to you. A box of bananas with bananas all good, a box of bananas with some ripe bad bananas, a box of bananas with all the bananas ripe and no good. We do not get to choose the box of bananas because we are in line and as we drive up BAM here you go a box of bananas, a quote “family”. Hope you got a good box of bananas otherwise you are SOL, shit out of luck. Therefore, we say thank you as we are handed our box of bananas (family) and hope for the best ……… until we open the box and then it is either, Yay Me or Oh Shit ……….. The comfort comes from MAYBE, I was switched at birth. MAYBE, I was adopted or even willing to accept that MAYBE father snatched (stole) a different baby from hospital nursery because the original baby died. Regardless, Life Goes On. My family is a, “can I exchange this box of bananas” type of box of bananas (family). A Box Of Bananas, with bananas (family members) that i did not choose, they were in the box handed to me at birth. Therefore, do not blame me or seek favors, compensation for any of those bananas in my box of bananas given to me ……….. I have 3 sisters, 3 brothers, several cousins, nieces, nephews all over.