It is a New Year 2025, therefore what better way to start the new year than with a cleanse. The importance of lemons is easily overlooked. Lemons are high in vitamin C. Lemons help reduce the risk of heart disease. When I was a kid my mom would tell me, “stop eating those lemons or they are going to thin your blood and if you cut yourself you are going to bleed like a water faucet”. To this day I still ask myself, does that indicate that whatever is in the blood is also thinned with lemons ?
Lemons are fantastic. I found an awesome article about lemons, here is the web link The article mentioned lemons helping prevent kidney stones. That makes sense to me because the lemon acidity would do that. The article also mentioned that lemons help with anemia. The article says, “lemons contain both vitamin C and citric acid, they may protect against anemia by ensuring that you absorb as much iron as possible from your diet”. Another awesome thing about lemons the article mentioned is that, lemons reduce cancer. That makes sense to me because of the lemon acidity fighting and combating against the cancer cells. Also the acidity from the lemons would thin the cancer cells making them less strong, etc. The last thing the article mentioned is that lemons help with the digestive system. This is true because when I do my lemon beverages I can actually feel the relief of feeling full from food eaten several hours before.
In conclusion, regardless how you decide to digest lemons they are going to do your body good. One of my favorite ways to digest lemons is with freshly squeezed lemon drinks, no water just the lemon juice. The fruit juce places sell what they call “Lemon and Ginger shots” which is about 2 ounces of fresh lemon juice and ginger. Another good source for lemons is making some delicious old fashion fresh lemonade. Don’t forget to add some fresh squeezed lemon on top of your pasta dish for that extra yum.